Thursday, November 4, 2010

Project Update for November 4th, 2010

Rainier Valley, subcontractor for Qwest phone, is potholing for existing utilities today on Yelm Hwy, and will likely be boring under the road tomorrow at the Boulevard intersection.  Pilchuck contractors, natural gas, will also be working in the Boulevard intersection and then near Laura street Friday and Saturday.  Woodworth will have two sewer crews working on Yelm Hwy near Brassfield, so traffic will become one-way, temporarily diverted to the gravel area across from the job shack location.  Additional traffic buttons were recently installed to help identify the traffic lanes where the existing paint has been wore off.
Please continue to drive slow and safely thru the work zone and obey the directions and guidance given by the flaggers.
All local business establishments will remain open during construction, please use caution when entering and leaving these locations.

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