The contractor plans to pave Friday and Saturday, with additional paving on Monday. This will cause extreme backups and traffic delays in the work zone from Boulevard to Henderson and extending beyond both ends of the area. Project staff is advising that you avoid the area if at all possible. Access to businesses and homes in the area will be unavoidably affected during the paving operation, but these interruptions will be kept to as short a time as possible. Hot asphalt requires time to cool before traffic can be allowed to travel on it to prevent damage to the newly applied surface.
Here is the preliminary plan as it stands as of this morning:

Paving will start at Henderson and travel east to Brassfield. That section will be done Friday, and it will require at least 4 passes to cover the complete width of the road.

Then they will move from Brassfield east and plan on paving in front of
the daycare on Saturday so that it will minimize access impacts to the
On Monday a smaller amount of asphalt will be put in place to finish up
the first lift of asphalt from Henderson to Boulevard.

The final lift of asphalt will occur later, likely in the early fall.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the project coordinator
Theresa Parsons
The link to our alternate routes map is available at the right. If you must travel through the area, please allow at least 30 to 60 minutes additional travel time (estimated only) and please be prepared for extended waits. There will be traffic control personnel in place to guide you through the work zone.
Thurston County Public Works & Miles Construction thank you for your patience.