This Week in Review
Sanitary Sewer
The contractor has run some more sewer lines to individual
properties between Boulevard and Rich Rd, as well as finalizing the sanitary
sewer manholes between Henderson and Brassfield by applying a coat of light blue
epoxy (by Molecular Inc.) to their inside surface. This was necessary to
prevent the concrete from being dissolved due to the natural production of
acetic acid by the organisms which break down the solid waste, but also makes
the insides more visible for maintenance. My does it look pretty!.....until its
used that is.
As for the pump station itself, it's ready to be turned on and "all systems
are go" as the saying goes. It's just waiting for the coatings to dry and the final
list to be checked off.
Sound/Retaining Wall
So far, most of the walls constructed have been for sound reduction in the
surrounding neighborhoods, so here's a photo of one of the retaining walls in
action across from Brassfield!
Boulevard Roundabout
You keep hearing about this over and over, (kind of like the Yelm Hwy
project) but when is it going to take place? With those pesky utility conflicts
fixed the contractor has just today moved on to installing some remaining
stormwater structures at the intersection which they previously couldn't. When
you ask? Well, in reality the contractor is picking up where it left off, so it
looks like a tentative date of August 9th.
Next Week
Most of the major work will be between Boulevard and Rich Rd installing
storm water structures, but as always, crews will be installing sidewalk, curb, and Sound/Retaining walls between Henderson and Boulevard.