It will be a slow week on the west half of Yelm Highway, but not so much on the east side as crews continue to install sewer connections to individual properties. Otherwise work is the usual, pouring miscellaneous curb and sidewalks, sound/retaining wall installation. Pedestrians, please use care when traversing these areas, and follow the guidance of the folks in orange. They are there for your safety too.
However! Hopefully preparation for paving the Boulevard intersection will begin with the demolition of the intersection on August 8th and grading during that week, followed by (another hopefully) paving on August 15th and 16th. (Disclaimer:Remember that paving is weather, and other condition, dependent.)
The biggest hurdle at the moment is with the Sewer Pump Station, and taking the steps to bring it on-line. Crews are working with the City of Olympia to switch the existing sewer systems over to the new system without much of a stink.