The Yelm Highway project has been in development for over a decade. Last year, the first shovel of earth was turned. We are now somewhere near the midpoint. There are many inconveniences that you are asked to endure. Many are obvious, such as noise, traffic delays, muddy roads, and detour routes. Some are unforeseen or unavoidable, like utility interruptions. Something you might not have considered: The ground can shake!
Vibrations from the operation of construction equipment can travel great distances through the earth. These vibrations can be annoying or aggravating, especially after several hours. Pictures can fall off the walls, and small items can vibrate off shelves.
For more information, or questions, please contact the project coordinator, Theresa Parsons, at 754-4580 or email Theresa at
Thurston County Public Works once again thanks you for your cooperation and patience with us during this landmark project.